It was a hot day in July, when some people might have chosen to go out in their boats – and some probably did – but still nearly 70 people made their way down to the water’s edge to throw stones and rocks and go up against last year’s winners.
It was also determined by our official crowd-counter (who still prefers to remain nameless) that at least 200 people sat on the bleachers (newly donated this year) and stood on the footbridge. Indeed, some of the footbridge crowd – who’ve attended all three contests – waved signs to support their family and friends who were competing.
And so the Third Annual Orne’s Candy Store International Rock Skipping Contest made its way into whatever books are kept for these types of events. If such a book existed, here’s what the page for this event would list: a good time for kids and adults; a chance to compete on a “field of seawater;” the opportunity to try the rock candy lollipop given to all contestants, and others; and, the chance to be tops in your category, to take home a pound of Rocky Road Fudge, a poster showing a rock skipper printed by artist Phillippe Villard, and a one-of-a-kind prize – a beautifully crafted trophy of wood and stone.
And that page in that special book would certainly include the fact that this crowd of skippers and spectators donated a total of $400 for the Boothbay Region Food Pantry. People were very generous this year, and we at Orne’s Candy Store, and the Food Pantry are grateful for that.
Taylor “Rock Candy” Herold, Donna “Rock Launcher” Loonie, Alex “Skip Masta” McKay, Cody “Midget Man” Brann